Tuesday, January 10, 2012

2011 highlights

  • lots of holidays - Fiji for Grandma's 80th (lots of quality family time), Hong Kong for Sarah (lots of personal time), camping with Deb and Janet, a weekend farmstay at Honeycomb Valley and planning for a ski holiday in 2012 in Canada
  • job changes - Sarah changed jobs twice and Michael got a new job inside Raytheon at the end of the year
  • a big year at school - Ella started kindergarten and loved it, Simon enjoyed Year 4 and Ben was a star in Year 1. After being banned from further study for several years Sarah managed to enrol in a Dip Ed and complete one semester. She also went back to school for 2 weeks for prac teaching.
  • electronic devices - Ella got an ipod Touch for Christmas, Sarah got a smartphone and Michael pined for an ipad.
  • physical appearance - Sarah and Michael got fitter for skiing, the kids grew their hair longer and Sarah died her hair redder