Saturday, September 14, 2013

The County Show.

Last weekend we went to the Dorset County Show, which was in Dorchester about 20 minutes away. When Sarah first told the kids about going, their first question was: "Are there show bags? Not a good start.
When we arrived it was sunny and warm so we all applied our factor 50 sun screen. The locals who walked passed us must have thought we very strange. 

There was quite a lot to see and after a while we needed to stop and refuel. Tea for Sarah and ice creams for the children.

We did consider the donuts, but they were being hand made and there was a large queue, so we opted just for the photos.

Ben and I went for a walk while the others snacked and Ben saw the tent I wanted to visit but it was a bit early.

The kids had a great time with the animals. They all loved the birds and Ella got to take part in the Ferret racing.

Go Ferret, Go Ferret Go!

Before lunch we relented and let them have one ride - a giant inflatable slide. Ella was a bit tentative at the start but went down with one of the supervisors and then thought it was easy.

Sarah wasn't game to try the cider.

We wondered around for a bit more and then came home as it was threatening rain. In the evening my work colleague Mick and his son Ben came over for a BBQ and brought marshmallows to toast.

We were lucky we went on the Saturday because it rained most of Sunday.

Saturday, September 07, 2013


After almost 3 months, school started again. I think Sarah breathed a big sigh of relief in the morning. The stress had returned in the afternoon when three tired children started complaining about their homework.