Sunday, June 24, 2007

'B' is for BEN

Last Thursday was Simon's news day and the letter of the week was 'B'. Simon went to school with a photo of Ben his blond brother with brown eyes.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Gina for a day

Since Simon was born our dream for our children was to have them sleep from 7 til 7 as Gina (of Contented Little Baby fame) said is quite reasonable. We thought so too. However, none of our children so far have agreed with us. Ella, however, teased us with one night of sleeping from seven til seven. And it was bliss! Alas, a teaser was all it was. Today was back to 4:35.....

Saturday, June 16, 2007

what's a record mummy?

Simon, a record (as in world record) is when you do something that's never been done before.

This week Ella showed Simon what a record is when she slept through the night till 6:45am!

Last night she almost repeated this record. Although crying out at 3:40 she slept on till past 7:20!

Simon and Ben were up about 6:20 but anything past 6:00 is civilised in our world.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Looking on the bright side of life

When you have to get up before 6AM everyday there is one benefit:
You get to see the sunrise every day.

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Winter has arrived

For those avid readers of this blog some important facts:
  • this is post 100 of the the BLOG
  • which is also just over a year old.
Winter has arrived in Sydney this week. The daily maximum temperature has gone below 20 degrees. The forecast for the next six days is rain and showers. We have had heavy rain and strong winds for the last two days. You would think we were living in England. A guy from work is going to Melbourne for the weekend because the weather is better down there. This is just the sort of forecast you want when the long weekend is starting and you are going to spend the next three days stuck inside with three little terrors.

The reason this post is about the weather is that not much else exciting is happening at the moment. If Sarah was writing the post it would proabably be about sleeping.

We are just settling into the winter routines of chopping wood and foraging for food in the freezer.

In a few weeks we will go to our first parent-teacher night to find out about Simon at sKool. Hopefully his spelling will be better than his Father's. We manage to get occasional bits of information out of him. For example:
Michael: Simon how was school today? What did you do?
Simon: Good, not much.

Ben remains the most stubborn child I know. I would love for him to be able to go to preschool in July. However he steadfastly refuses to use the toilet and remains in nappies. His speech is improving all of the time. Sometimes he is even understandable now. He has quite a few stock expressions:
  • Mummy/Daddy you are a bully.
  • It wasn't my fault - this gets used quite a lot on some days.
  • I hate everything
  • I hate [substitute any adult here]
  • I get [substitue any Thoms character here] for my birthday!
Ella is stil trying for the most annoying child award. While being very cute she does cruise around the house looking for trouble and leaving a trail of mess behind her. As normal for a Harris child she is quite advanced for her age: The 2 year old tantrums have already started at 18 months.