Saturday, May 26, 2007

The best sort of hand me downs

A few weeks ago Tony Boyd dropped off a collection of video tapes that his sons no longer watched. Madeline and Thomas the Tank Engine just aren't that interesting for teenage boys.

Tony was most impressed that Ben could name all the videos. I would be more worried that a 3 year old has watched so much TV.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Star of the week.

Last week Simon came home with the trophy for star of the week - awarded for "being a positive class member"

Well done Simon.

Ben and Ella thought it was pretty cool as well.

ParentingTip for Mothers - Number 612.

Do not let cute daughter play with expensive mobile phone - They will break it.

The Mother's Day Report

Well it didn't start with breakfast in bed. Sarah's mothers day started with me (Michael) getting up at 3:30AM to look after a sick Ella. Sarah relieved me some time around 5:30AM - (Author's note: There is some conjecture on the actul time 5:30 is a compromise to ensure marital harmony).

Simon gave Sarah a lovely gift that he had purchased at school - after Sarah gave him the money. We had made a feeble attempt to hide it in his cupboard so it could be a surprise but it had been found - Hint: Try the garage next year she doesn't ferret around the tools very often.

At 9AM I went to the gym for some much needed 'me' time.

In the afternoon we had all of the Boyds and Granny and Grandpa after for a big afternoon tea.

Ellas was the star - There is nothing cuter then a little girl with a silly hair style.

Here are some photos:

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Simon at 5

inquisitive, garrulous, annoying, delightful, cuddly, sensitive, jealous of his brother, caring big brother, a great constructor.

Simon is a busy boy. He is interested in everything and exhausts his parents with his questions about everything.

Ben at 3

The second child - doesn't always get as much coverage as his brother and sister.

Here's one for you buddy

His Mother's description: twinkle in his eye, dimple in his cheek, stirrer, teaser, jealous of his little sister, polite, talkative, gorgeous

Ella at 17 months

feisty, happy, naughty, cheeky, busy, mischievous, gorgeous, exhausting.

Ella is into everything, constantly annoying her brothers and tiring out her parents. She wanders around the house looking for trouble and usually finds it.

Last week she drank some household disinfectant and prompted a call to the poisons line. It was only a teaspoon luckily.

She is still as smiley as ever and when she is happy is delightful.

Its been too long!

Well we've finally got around to doing another blog post and when I checked the date of the last post I couldn't believe it was 7th February! Time surely flies with 3 kids 5 and under.

So whats been happening?

Well the biggest thing is that Simon started school and he seems to be really enjoying it. He has a lovely teacher who seems to keep them all in line (I've seen her in action) and he has made lots of new friends.

Ben could start at the preschool if we wanted but he is resisting toilet training and we can't send him till he's fully embraced the concept. Seeing how stubborn he is, this could be a while....

Ella is now a definite third presence in the house and exhibiting the impatience of her siblings and unfortunately also their garrulousness.

More details about each child in separate blog entries to come.

Michael has been very busy at work and having to bring some work home but this is the price he pays for working 4 days a week and he doesn't mind. I haven't been as busy at work but I have been studying for a Microsoft certification exam which I just finished and I passed.

Ella still isn't sleeping so well although she started heading for six o'clock for a few mornings just to tease us then she reverted to night-time wakings and averages 4:30 at the moment. This is not conducive to a very exciting life.... Oh well we know it will improve because we've been there before. Twice.