Saturday, May 05, 2007

Its been too long!

Well we've finally got around to doing another blog post and when I checked the date of the last post I couldn't believe it was 7th February! Time surely flies with 3 kids 5 and under.

So whats been happening?

Well the biggest thing is that Simon started school and he seems to be really enjoying it. He has a lovely teacher who seems to keep them all in line (I've seen her in action) and he has made lots of new friends.

Ben could start at the preschool if we wanted but he is resisting toilet training and we can't send him till he's fully embraced the concept. Seeing how stubborn he is, this could be a while....

Ella is now a definite third presence in the house and exhibiting the impatience of her siblings and unfortunately also their garrulousness.

More details about each child in separate blog entries to come.

Michael has been very busy at work and having to bring some work home but this is the price he pays for working 4 days a week and he doesn't mind. I haven't been as busy at work but I have been studying for a Microsoft certification exam which I just finished and I passed.

Ella still isn't sleeping so well although she started heading for six o'clock for a few mornings just to tease us then she reverted to night-time wakings and averages 4:30 at the moment. This is not conducive to a very exciting life.... Oh well we know it will improve because we've been there before. Twice.

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