Monday, November 05, 2007

around the bend rather than driving us potty

yes, Ben has finally "turned the corner", embraced the s-bend and is toilet ready for preschool next year. The pressure of having him toilet-trained by next February was really getting to certain members of the family. But he is now happily wearing "big boy undies" despite much resistance.

How did we do it? In the end it was down to simple bribery and positivity. And although Ben has forgotten about the rewards and stars he used to receive for every no 1. and 2, Simon helpfully reminded us today that Ben wasn't getting anymore stars. We haven't had the courage to remove the star chart yet but it will be going very soon....

Meanwhile Ella is already telling us when she has done a poo and trying to remove her nappy. She is happiest without any clothes at all and we have to make sure she always has pants on so she doesn't take her nappy off. We can't face toilet training her yet. We are leaving that to be an achievement for next year.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sass since '07