Thursday, December 27, 2007

Some Cute Photos

After the big party cute cousin Matthew slept over and helped take care of his little cousins. Here are some photos.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

A party for 100 - No Problem!

The biggest obstacle to a member of Sarah’s family hooking up with a “life partner” occurred on Sunday – The Armstrong Christmas party. At about 4PM about 100 Armstrongs rocked up for their annual get together. For any prospective partner this is a daunting initiation into the Armstrong family. As you turn up there are these hordes of people interested in finding out about you. Some family members still don’t turn up on occasion – you know who you are Alan B.

When Sarah volunteered to have it she didn’t know there were so many people coming. However it was not that much hassle. It was a good chance to clean some parts of the house (for the first time in seven years). The party was well organised by Pip Murphy – all those years on the MBA and working as a management consultant finally being put to good use. Everyone bought food and drink, we did not need to provide anything.

Justine organised some of the little cousins to do a concert. Simon was all talk but was overcome with nerves before doing his big number.

Thursday, December 20, 2007


Hi. My name is Ella Kathleen Harris. I am two. Since I am very advanced for my age my parents are allowing me to write my own birthday blog entry. My Granny kindly baked the cake shown above. She made my father take a picture of it and publish it on the internet for all to see.

Even though I am very irritating I am also very cute, check out the photos below.

The photo on the right is how I started the party. Lizzie my favourite nanny gave me the dress for my birthday. However I like to change my outfit several times a day so halfway through the party I ripped it off and my Mother stuck that shirt on me.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Not a Christmas Letter

This is not a Christmas letter but a list of 2007 Milestones for the Harris-Boyd family:

-Ella turned 2
-Simon survived kindergarten
-Sarah and Michael survived kindergarten
-Ben was toilet training
-Michael survived toilet training just.
-Ella slept past 6:30 -- once!
-Rachel visited Australia and the boys met their little cousin Yaara
-Lizzy, our nanny, got past the halfway mark in her Uni course and she got her first distinction
-Simon learnt to read
-Ben discovered a love of talking just like his older brother
-Ella started to talk but her main words are still Mummy, Daddy and No.
-We got the children's bedrooms painted.
-After realising Ella wasn't going to use the office furniture in her bedroom we replaced it with little girls toys
-we put up our first Christmas tree

Here are some hopeful milestones for 2008:

-all 3 kids sleeping past 6:30 -- once!
-Ben, Sarah and Michael surviving Ben at preschool
-Having just one child to look after when Ben goes to preschool
-Ella being toilet trained -- throw out the nappies!