Saturday, December 15, 2007

Not a Christmas Letter

This is not a Christmas letter but a list of 2007 Milestones for the Harris-Boyd family:

-Ella turned 2
-Simon survived kindergarten
-Sarah and Michael survived kindergarten
-Ben was toilet training
-Michael survived toilet training just.
-Ella slept past 6:30 -- once!
-Rachel visited Australia and the boys met their little cousin Yaara
-Lizzy, our nanny, got past the halfway mark in her Uni course and she got her first distinction
-Simon learnt to read
-Ben discovered a love of talking just like his older brother
-Ella started to talk but her main words are still Mummy, Daddy and No.
-We got the children's bedrooms painted.
-After realising Ella wasn't going to use the office furniture in her bedroom we replaced it with little girls toys
-we put up our first Christmas tree

Here are some hopeful milestones for 2008:

-all 3 kids sleeping past 6:30 -- once!
-Ben, Sarah and Michael surviving Ben at preschool
-Having just one child to look after when Ben goes to preschool
-Ella being toilet trained -- throw out the nappies!

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