Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The lazy and the busy

Christmas morning means a lot of work for Fathers! Ben and Simon both received presents that required assembly. Ben is rather lazy when it comes to putting things together and just watches while his father does all the work. So much for a nice bonding experience with your children. Even when you play trains with Ben you are the one that has to build the track.

Ella was happy with her present from Santa - a flower boat. After blowing up a multitude of floating toys for the pool I have now invested in a pump so inflating the flower boat did not require hyper ventilating for 5 minutes.

During the assembly period, which lasted a few hours, Sarah took Ella to the airport to fetch Aunty Rachel and her family who are visiting for a few weeks.

When Sarah and Ella returned we headed over to grandma and pa for a relaxing Christmas lunch. The children were well behaved and we did not have any melt downs.

Well that wraps up the Christmas day report.

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