Thursday, May 21, 2009

Question: what month is ripe for bad gorilla jokes?

Answer: 'Ape'ril (courtesy of Simon's latest joke book)

This post is just about what happened in April.

There were two big birthdays -- Ben turned 5 and Simon turned 7. We had a combined birthday this year which was pretty successful. We had the sports guys come and entertain the 20 or so under 7 year olds attending.

Other developments:
Ben and Ella started a weekly dance/drama class called MovenGroove. This was instigated after getting sick of dragging Ben into the swimming pool for lessons and deciding I needed a break from swimming lessons. 'Unfortunately' Mums aren't even allowed in the room for MovenGroove. I thought 'Humpty Squad' was good where I could sit and have a cup of tea while watching on the sidelines but this is even better. They do open the class occasionally for the parents so tomorrow I will get to watch them moving and grooving. Theyalways seem to have enjoyed the class but aren't that enthusiastic about it. Its not cool for Ben to be enthusiastic about that sort of thing but it was very hard to find a class they could both do together. Maybe next term we'll do Tae Kwon do for preschoolers.

They have also decided the gym creche is fun so I am trying to take them there once a week for a bit of Sarah time. Are you sensing a theme here? This is just the sort of win-win situation we like. Happy mother. Happy child. Happy family.

Simon's big discovery this month is "virtual lego". Lego has produced a virtual designer which you download and you can build lego in software. There is a huge collection of bricks and then when you've build it you upload your creation to a website and have the opportunity to "buy" all the bricks in your creation. They will even customise the packaging for you. Simon is desperate to buy some until I explain the shipping costs. You can also upload pictures of your real creations as seen here.

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