Monday, January 04, 2010

Meant to be an update on 2009 goals

According to all the self help books the first step to achieving your goals is to write them down. This post was meant to be a backward looking one to see if we as a family achieved our 2009 goals. Looking back through the blog posts it seems we didn’t have any! The best you can say is that we didn’t fail to achieve any of our goals. From my memory I can imagine what our goals may have been. Here goes:

  1. getting more sleep
  2. becoming nappy free ( I think this was a 2007 goal!)
  3. having more time for exercise
  4. having a good year at preschool
  5. having a good year at school
  6. a new job for Michael

Retrospectively, we definitely got more sleep than the year before and while Ella still uses pull-ups at night we are very close to losing them. Unfortunately, we didn’t really get more time for exercise and while we had a good year at school and most of the year was good at preschool the end of the year pretty much sucked at preschool as their favourite teacher left abruptly. And Michael got a new job which is going very well even if the company does make missile systems.

Moving on to 2010 goals, we’ll get right back on that horse and go for more of the same:

  1. getting more sleep
  2. becoming nappy free
  3. having more time for exercise
  4. having a good year at preschool
  5. having a good year at school (now that Ben is being unleashed on the public education system)

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