Saturday, October 13, 2012

Harris Family in Hong Kong

We celebrated our first day in Hong Kong by having Yum Cha with Sarah's schoolfriend Karen and her family and our Sydney friends Janet, Simon and Mia. Karen kindly organised it all for us.

On Monday Janet again joined us with Darcy and Vince Creagh for a day's outing to Ocean Park adventure world. We had a great day going on lots of rides and seeing lots of aquatic creatures.Ella's favourite ride was the Arctic Blast.

Tuesday saw us on the winding bus ride to Stanley Markets where we failed to bargain but still spent plenty of money. We enjoyed a leisurely lunch on the waterfront which was the highlight of the day for me. For Ben, it was his new trainers and the others it was their brand new Ipod touch case.

On Wednesday we participated in a National Lampoon Harris/Creagh Family Disneyland Adventure. Vince Senior was trepidatious to say the least. We were just hoping to make it home in one piece with all children. This was achieved and the kids really enjoyed themselves. Claudia's highlight was meeting Tinkerbell. The boy's highlight was Space Mountain and Grizzly Gulch. Unfortunately I can't comment on these as I was too busy touring a Small World in a boat and going around and around on the Teacups which was Maz's favourite ride.

Our final day in Hong Kong was fittingly spent doing more shopping destination Mong Kok. This is a place with loads and loads of stalls selling loads and loads of the same thing with an emphasis on anything with a brand name. We bought quite a few brand name items. The brands for the day were DC (Simon), Mulberry (Sarah), DC Comics (Ben). Ella got 'heely' shoes which promise to be either a lot of fun or quite irritating depending on your point of view. Fortunately, we had master bargainer, Maz, so we didn't spend as much money as we would have without her.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Looks like a lot of fun!