Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Weekend in Cornwall part 1

A few weeks ago we had our first overnight trip, which was to Cornwall. Once again we went with my work colleague Phil and his family. On Saturday morning we drove to Tintagel via a stop at Exeter ( Some tips: the highway services at Exeter are nowhere near the highway). Along the way we experienced the joys of getting stuck behind first a tractor and then a caravan.

Tintagel is an old castle from the time of King Arthur. It is situated high on a cliff and it was quite wet and windy. We really felt in England. There was a bit of walking involved which resulted in the usual whinging just to make you feel even more in England.

After a quick home-made lunch in a local car park we headed down some very narrow roads to Port Isaac where Doc Martin is filmed. Sarah kept on saying that she thought the road was a one way road because it was so thin. She saw that she was wrong when we saw cars coming the other way. We were lucky that they stopped for us to pass. Our friends were not so lucky and had to do quite a bit of reversing.

It started to rain a bit in Port Isaac so after a quick walk around the town we went into a little cafe for ice cream. Someone (guess who) had a cup of tea instead.

The Doc's house is to the right of the two white houses in the middle row
After the snack we headed to our hotel for the night in Plymouth, which was meant to be about an hours drive away. After the tractor and the caravan, we were stuck behind another evil of the English roads - the horse truck being driven by a learner driver. We made it into Plymouth just before 6pm and had a nice meal in the hotel. Ella had a sleep on the way so it was quite a peaceful drive. We split up in the hotel into a boys and girls room.

Stay tuned for part 2 : "Don't wear your thermals in a rain forest"

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