Sunday, December 16, 2012

The biggest day of the year

Ever since she could talk, the biggest day of the year has been Ella's birthday. This was one of Ella's main concerns about coming to live in England - What was she going to do for her birthday in England without her friends?

Luckily she has made some new friends at school. Sarah researched a number of party options and reached agreement with Ella on an indoor go-kart party. Outdoor party options in December are not that viable here.

Yesterday was the big day and there were higher than normal levels of excitement and impatience. When we reached the venue Sarah received a phone call from the guy supplying the go karts that he was running a few minutes late because he had van trouble. We setup the food and the guests started arriving. Then Sarah got another call saying that due to van trouble the guy could not make it. One of the parents who had a van kindly volunteered to go and get the gear but unfortunately this was not practical as the go-kart hire is based in Poole about 40 minutes away.

What were we going to do? We only had a couple of party games, we didn't even have pass the parcel. (This would be a good point to stop the blog article and leave you all in suspense....)

Luckily I am not that cruel. Also luckily for us, the venue where we were having the party, a community sports hall also hosted parties and had a jumping castle and some fitness balls and other stuff. The guy from the hall set all of this up for us. Disaster averted, the kids happily ran around the hall and jumped on the castle for the next hour. They all had a great time.


Without our regular baker, Sarah purchased a chocolate cake and candle from the local Asda. It was good but not as good as Granny's.

P.S. Ella got a lot of great presents from her friends. Quite a few of them involved beads. Watch out Deb, she will be bringing all of these with her when she comes to visit you in January. You and her can just have a beading love in.

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