Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Half term break - The cultural part

On the Monday, sadly Michael had to return to work while Sarah and the kids set off early for Stonehenge, about an hour and a half's drive. While it was very cold, the kids all enjoyed the audio tour and particularly the myths and stories about how the stones arrived at their location, including the one about how they were flown there using Merlin's magic powers. On the way back from Stonehenge we stopped at Salisbury for lunch to visit the Cathedral with the tallest spire in England. I think the highlight for the kids were the sausage rolls at the pastry cafe we lunched at. We had homemade pizza when we returned.

On Tuesday, we departed early again for Bath. Ella was quite reluctant as she was struggling to keep up with the hectic pace. However, we somehow convinced her to join us. At Bath, we toured the Roman Baths which had another good audio tour including commentary by Bill Bryson which Sarah enjoyed. The museum was very well done and the highlight for the kids was touching the bath waters which was verboten. After the tour we spent an hour or so at the 'best park in England' which Sarah spied as we were parking the car. This was definitely the best thing about Bath as the kids spent ages running around playing chasings with David. For David's final dinner we had the English classic -- fish and chips from one of the many locals.

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