Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The Shipping News - A perfect day in Flam with Sue and Anders.

On day 4 we arrived in the very small town of Flam, which is at the end of one of the fjords.

Sarah had arranged to spend the day with her cousin Sue and her husband Anders who live on a farm overlooking the harbour. They had kindly volunteered to show us the around for the day.

Their house is the white one just to the left of the centre of the photo. You can rent the red house on the hill.
Sue met us at the dock and we walked up to the farm. Ella had been anxious about having lunch off the ship but Sue came through with delicious waffles that won her over. (What doesn't taste good with sugar sprinkled over it?). The kids wandered around the garden for a bit while Anders met with a vet who had come over to check out a few cows. They also found a big box of Lego and were only convinced to leave the house with a promise of a boat tour of the fjord.

We stopped at a waterfall and then had lovely lunch of home made waffles, with home made raspberry jam and other toppings. Ella had one and a half waffles.
After lunch we stopped off at a little village where Anders's mother had grown up and the kids all had an ice cream with some delicious Norwegian chocolate that Anders had bought in protest for Sue not getting him an ice cream as well. The kids all got a turn at the wheel with Simon declaring this as the  highlight of the whole cruise.
The family with Sue.

Captain Simon

Captain Ella
 Once Anders took back the wheel from Ella we made it safely back to the dock and went back to the house. The kids went off raspberry picking - even Ella who doesn't eat them but kindly picked a punnet for me.

For all of us it was by far the best day of the trip, picture postcard weather and the most fantastic hosts. If any family member reading this blog gets a chance to go to Norway I recommend catching up with Sue and Anders. It is not every day that you can get off a cruise ship in a small town and have your own personal escorts for the day.

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