Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Spring has sprung

We have emerged from blogging hibernation - it has been too cold to expose the fingers to typing up blog entries.

Here is the winter roundup on the three characters of most interest:
  • Ben: Remains as stubborn as ever. i.e. still not toilet trained. He is confirmed for three days of preschool next year. We think this may be a bit of a shock to someone who has a few hours in total in the gym creche as his only exposure to group care. His speech is improving every day. The most used expression at the moment is "XXXX is annoying me". You can substitute a persons name (primarily Ella) or any object for the XXXX.
  • Ella: Still waking up at 5AM. Bring on daylight saving! Starting to make more noise. Still as irritating as ever. She is also known as the Christmas child. See previous post.
  • Simon: Simon is as garrulous as ever and now likes telling jokes and making rhymes. The jokes aren't alway funny but he's got the rhymes right. He gets very jealous of Ben but is not threatened by his little sister although he does find her annoying some times. He is very competitive especially with Ben and this can get quite tiring for his parents. He is really enjoying school and so are his parents.
All in all they are still as gorgeous as ever, bringing a smile to their parents and grandparents and we love them very much.

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