Saturday, December 15, 2012

What we did last weekend.

No castles were visited last weekend.

On Saturday, it was a beautiful sunny day. Some members of the family just wanted to laze around watching TV, playing on the computer or their iPod. I finally convinced Ben to walk into town with me. We were on haircut attempt 2, after head lice treatment. We both had haircuts, with a total cost of £7. Sarah bought Simon and Ella into town and Ella also had a haircut. A quick visit to the library followed. Simon complained this morning that Sarah doesn't get books fast enough and never has anything to read.

On Sunday we drove Portsmouth to visit the Historical dockyard. We toured the HMS Victory and HMS Warrior and had some time in an interactive exhibit.

It was cold but fun.

The highlight for Michael and Sarah was the tour of Horatio Nelson's ship - The Victory. It has been fully restored down to the finest detail. The details of life for the sailors, 60% of whom were press-ganged into the crew, were very gruesome. They got very little food, lots of rum and alcohol and were often beaten. Life is very different today for the English sailor.

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