Wednesday, May 24, 2006

This morning Simon and Ben both slept in till 6:30. Yes that is a sleep in for us! This might have had something to do with the fact that Ben did not sleep at all during the day yesterday and just screamed both times I put him in the cot at 12:30 and 1:30 respectively. At least today he went to sleep at lunchtime nicely.

Ben, Ella and I went to playgroup today where everyone behaved. Ella only slept for an hour when we got home though so my alone time was not as long as I would have liked. But she is now happily lying on the floor while I write this blog so I'm not complaining.

Thinking a bit more about TV and children I think the anti-TV campaign may gain momentum. Since the anti-smoking lobby there's been the anti-junk food lobby and maybe the next big evil will be TV. Who knows? We have had another TV free day so far and its going OK.

Ella's sleeping at night is not going so well. She's starting to wake up about 11:30 wanting to be fed and then at about 5:00. I think we'll have to try and really wake her up and feed her around 10.00. Its just hard to feed if she'd rather be asleep. And then we have to stay up till 10! Yes our life's very sad. Also much to Granny's delight we'll start Ella on food in a week or two.

This being the second day of the blog I am monitoring myself for signs of depression. The writers of all the really good mummy blogs that I enjoy seem to suffer from depression. So far so good. I suffer from frustration and bouts of bad temper but so far no depression.

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