Tuesday, May 23, 2006

This is the first post on the Harris Boyd family blog. This is a blog about our family.

Well today was another exciting day in the Harris Boyd family.

Today Simon went to preschool where the daily activity was baking. They bake organic pumpkin bread.

This morning all 3 kids slept in till 6:45. Yes our life is so sad that 6:45 is a sleep in! This morning Michael dropped Simon at preschool on the way to work to save me from getting them all in the car and out again to sign Simon in. Thats not the bad bit. The bad bit is extracting Ben from the exciting wooden Steiner toys at the preschool.

Last night Sarah attended a talk at Simon's preschool about TV. Simon attends a Steiner pre-school and the lady giving the talk says the ideal is no TV for kids under 6 and limited viewing above that age. She made some good points and we agreed that we'd try and limit it.

I'm proud to say today the children had a TV free day and I survived! I'm not sure how many of them we'll have but it was a good experiment.

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