Tuesday, August 08, 2006

A Late Weekly Report.

It was another slow news week. Sorry the report is a bit late.

We didn’t start well with Ben running a temperature last weekend. The only time that Ben likes to cuddle is when he is sick. On Monday Busy Lizzie stepped up to bat with a slight cold. Simon went off to preschool and Ben and Ella had a quiet day,

On Tuesday I was in charge. We had another quiet day. We walked down to the park in the morning. My former work mate Giles came over for lunch and the afternoon. Ella had a long sleep and Ben had an even longer one. Ella was extremely charming when she woke up. She sat on the floor smiling away. It was hard to talk to Giles without looking at Ella. We all went off to fetch Simon from preschool at 4 pm. Ben was having such a long sleep that I had to wake him up to go. Giles left at about 5pm when they all started wanting their dinner. He left with the illusion of the domestic bliss that is the Harris household. Things deteriorated rapidly after he walked out of the door.

Wednesday, I got the phone call from the preschool to say Simon had a temperature and was not himself. As I arrived to pick him I was greeted with cries of “Simon’s dad is here” “Simon your dad is here”. After some TLC and LOTV (lots of TV) he is back to his usual chatty self).

Thursday, Busy Lizzie was back and they all went next door to Megan’s for mother’s group.

On Friday, the cleaners came; it was a very wet rainy cold day. Sarah and the kids didn’t do much.

The weekend was very busy. So busy in fact I’ll put it in another article.

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