Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Our Marriage is saved! - Why we have not blogged

Don't worry this entry is not about sex. I would give it a G rating. There is some medical information contained but it is pretty tame with no pictures.

Two weeks ago when I was home on a Tuesday - the power kept going off in the kitchen and also for the TV. This is not good when you are trying to make lunch and keep children entertained. I eventually tracked it down to the dishwasher. We pondered about buying a new one since our last experience with the manufacturer's service department was pretty disappointing. After doing a bit of research and finding out 5 or so of the brands are made by the one manufacturer we decided to try one of the repairmen who advertised in the local paper. Yesterday the repairman came over and identified that the short was in the motor. He replaced it but wasn't happy with the new one, which he said was running too hot. He will be back again today.

So the lack of the dishwasher has meant we have to wash up after dinner instead of blogging. Over four years ago when Simon was born we went to see one of the local doctors because Sarah was worried she was getting mastitis. He misdiagnosed her and she ended up with an abscess. However the patronising twice married quack also decided to give us some marriage advice:
"To keep your marriage healthy, you and your partner should try and do the dishes together at least once a week. This will give you a chance to talk".

Without the dishwasher for two weeks we should last a few more years together.

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