Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Ella made it to one

Ella, congratulations you have reached one. We forget that you are still so little as you chase around after your brothers trying to do whatever they are doing.

You are still the smiliest baby we know and just like the old saying, when you are good you are very very good but when you are bad..... Lately, you've been teething a lot. Or at least we hope you've been teething because thats been our excuse for your behaviour. You used to be a great eater and now you just lose patience after a few mouthfuls as if its extremely boring and there are so many other things to do. Unfortunately the way you communicate this to us is that you scream and writhe around usually flinging food in every direction except inside your mouth. You are a real Daddy's girl much to his chagrin when Mummy is allowed to float on the lilo in the pool while you hold on tight to Daddy. You like climbing over everything including any kind of table or chair. Once standing on the chair then you like to rock the chair. You have started to sleep a bit more thank goodness as the sleep torture was really wearing thin on your parents. You seem to enjoy sleeping downstairs with your brothers a lot better than upstairs in the attic.

Foodwise you have discovered a love of cheese and sand. You could eat cheese til the cows come home and the sand that bothered your big brother Simon at the beach is heaven to you.

You love getting out of the house and have a short attention span at home. You'll just wander from room to room at home trying to find out where you can create the most havoc. You especially love breaking up Ben's train track and cuddling either Ben or his precious teddy bear. Of course this drives Ben mad and we often hear "Ella's annoying me!!" and quickly have to rescue you before Ben kicks you away. Simon is a little more tolerant usually allowing you to give him a couple of hugs before he too gets fed up.

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