Sunday, January 11, 2009

There were three in the bed, then.....

Another wacky sleepover story.
Last night was meant to be the night! The night - you know what I mean - the night that all three children slept somewhere else and we had a night off. All three were going to spend the night at grandma's flat. Everything was going well, we dropped them off, got their dinner organised, gave grandma a long list of instructions (bringing up six children and looking after numerous grand children, would not prepare you for looking after our three wonders).

As soon as they were settled in we dashed off and had an early dinner and then headed home for some hard core Wii action and a DVD. We were too exhausted from the weeks activity to contemplate a late night.

Just as Sarah placed the Wii remote on her wrist for a another tennis marathon, the phone rang. Grandma was ringing to say Ben wanted to come home, it was about 7:45. We were fine about that. Ben did the same thing when he first went to a sleep over at Grannies. Sarah returned about 30 minutes later with a very tired Ben and Ella. Ella had also decided that she wanted to come home when Sarah arrived to pick up Ben. Once these two were put to bed, we settled down on the couch to watch the DVD.

Just as we started watching the phone rang again, Gandma was bringing Simon home, he was missing Ben - Who would have known those children were so close to each other! They are arguing about some silly toy as I am writing this entry. More likely Simon thought he was missing out on something at home. We had a quick chat with Simon but failed to convince him to stay there for the night. Sarah couldn't face another trip across the bridge that night so Grandma kindly returned him to us. Poor grandma got breathtested without her license on the way back - luckily she was let off.

So after such a promising start we had all three back with us. The only plus side was that the boys slept in until 6:15 and Ella slept till 7:15. It is now 8:15 and they are all busy arguing - situation normal.

Wish us better luck for next time.

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