Sunday, June 04, 2006

A night at the movies and a time for reflection.

Warning – no real kids news in this posting just premature onset of mid life crisis. On Thursday night we went out to the movies (thanks to next door neighbour Megan for babysitting). Every year we go to see the latest Warren Miller movie when it comes to Sydney (normally for only a few days). We probably have been going for the last ten years and used to take people with us. This time we were so happy just to be going, we went by ourselves, not having the energy to organise tickets for anyone else.

For those that don’t know, Warren Miller movies are about skiing and every year he brings out a new one. Warren is quite an old guy; he has been making movies for 56 years. When we started going I think he had already given up most of the actual film making but he narrated the movies with his corny dry wit. We knew that his company had been sold to Time Warner a few years ago and the production was certainly becoming much slicker. This year there was a new co-narrator and there was very little of Warren’s voice. You could feel the end of the real Warren Miller experience. I looked up on the internet later on and found out yes it was the end. Warren didn’t have anything at all to do with the latest movie and they just used old recordings of him. A bit sad really.

At the movie I think Sarah and I both felt a bit older. Who would have thought five years ago that we would be going to a Warren Miller movie with three kids at home? I don’t know when our next ski holiday will be or if we will ever be able to go heli-skiing -- the ultimate ski experience. We both said we would like to one day take the children to a Warren Miller movie. Sadly there won’t be any real Warren Miller in the movie by the time we can take them. I hope they still at least keep making them.

Don’t worry, for those hanging out for “kids news”, normal programming will resume shortly.

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