Saturday, June 10, 2006

Weekend Report

Good morning readers and welcome to another extended weekend report. Yes it is another 4 day weekend. These 4 day weekends are making me responsible for blogging on more days than Sarah, so I am sorry for the decline in quality. No I am not taking another day off work. Monday is the Queen’s Birthday and everyone gets the day off. WARNING: The next part of the blog contains political opinion.

As a republican I see this public holiday as the greatest obstacle to constitutional reform in Australia. Who is going to give up on Queen Lizzie and future King Chuck if they are going to have an extra day of work? To overcome this I suggest we that we create a Presidents day holiday on the birthday of our first president. This person will of course be former Australian opening batsmen – David Boon.

A Rainy Day Activity:

Looking for something to do on a rainy afternoon with two boys? Try firewood stacking.

Required Equipment:

  • 2 cubic metres firewood (mixture of iron bark and yellow box)
  • 1 tarpaulin to cover firewood while in the rain
  • 3 pairs of gloves (or 2 if you can get people to use a single glove)
  • 2 or more children
  • 1 wife to help out
  • 1 wheel barrow.

Optional Equipment:

  • 1 small blue tongue lizard


  1. Arrange for firewood to be delivered in the morning and cover with tarpaulin – Wet firewood does not burn that well and is slippery to handle.
  2. Wait for kids to wake from lunchtime sleep and then put on their warm clothes and shoes.
  3. Open garage door and uncover wood
  4. Load up wheelbarrow and take wood into garage to where it will be stacked.
  5. Unload wheelbarrow and stack wood - Watch out for being hit with wood.
  6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 about 20 times
Alternatives / Options

The following can be used to extend the activity:
  • Chase 2 year old son around as he goes in the house and shuts the door and then shouts out because he cannt open the door.
  • Try and retrieve gloves from 2 year old son
  • Find blue tongue lizard in the wood pile and release him safely in the back yard
  • Ensure 2 children do not harm lizard.
In order to assist anyone wanting to try out this activity I have included some helpful photos.

Empty garage. Prior to activity

wood with helpers ready to go.

Blue Tongue lizard

All finished.

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