Saturday, July 08, 2006

Carpet shampoo testing continues

Warning: This post contains references to bodily fluids

It has been a quiet week in the household this week. Sarah and Ben were ill on Monday with a stomach bug. There were numerous vomiting episodes and the bucket came out. Ben was quite a bit more messy than Sarah. We had heard that Ben's buddy Tom had been sick with a 24
hr bug the week before.
Tuesday was Sarah's first day back at work after taking maternity leave for Ella. She made it to work but had to turn down the offer of being taken out to lunch. I spent the day with Ben and Ella. Ben was pretty lethargic and after a few more vomits I took him down to see Dr Doug. Dr Doug said it should pass in day or so and it has been going around. By Wednesday afternoon Ben was feeling much better and was tiring everyone else out.
Thursday saw the return on of Busy Lizzie (aka the craft nanny) who was looking after all three of them for the first time. Sarah was back at work and was well enough to be taken our for a nice lunch. Lizzie stayed overnight on the futon. Sarah and I hit the toy shops and were still going at 9PM. We have purchased christmas present for the boys and also something for cousins Vince and Darcy who are coming to visit in a few weeks. We also purchased two take apart "Lightning McQueen"s for the boys . Simon had been bugging us for weeks and was probably feeing a bit hard done by. (I am sure Granny would have bought him one a few weeks ago- He is missing you!)
On Friday, Lizzie was still in charge until 5:20PM when I returned home. I was hit with a 3 pronged children's assault: Ben demanded that I put electric Thomas back together, Simon demanded that I help take apart Lightning and Ella just wanted to play. After 45 minutes, they were all satisfied, I was exhausted and Sarah walked in from work drinks.

For those of you confused about the schedule this week: I have changed my day off to Tuesday, Sarah is working Tueday, Thursday and Friday. Lizzie is here on Thursday and Friday.

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