Monday, July 10, 2006

Higher degrees in Engineering required for successful modern parenting

The old joke used to be about the parents not being able to work the video control. The one skill every father needed to have was the ability to be able to put the new bike together the night before the birthday. Luckily I have a wife who spent 12 years at university where one of the useful skills she picked up was bike assembly so we have that requirement covered.

However bike assembly is nothing compared with car seat assembly and fitting. Ella has grown too big for the baby capsule (luckily because we need to return it). So last weekend I changed the capsule out and put in the car seat for her. She looks cute in it but I don't have a photo yet. Anyway Penny was kind enough to lend us one of hers that she is no longer using. Despite any sentiment expressed in this blog entry we are very happy to have it. It came with a set of instructions and I was tasked with adjusting the straps to so that they fitted Ella snugly. I saw the seat was of French origin - need I say more. Things were going to be complicated. After an hour of wresting the straps and buckles through various holes and joining them together the straps were adjusted for Ella. This involved 11 steps and 15 diagrams. As an engineer, this looked a very complicated design and my conclusion was that the seat was a potential safety hazard. It took a bit of skill and patience to properly fit the straps. I wonder how many of the chairs are in circulation and are not properly set up. Don't even get me started on take-apart toy assembly.

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