Monday, July 10, 2006

Weekend Report

It was a slow news weekend at the Harris Boyd Household.

I think everyone was a bit tired from the change of schedule during the week and also due to a couple of night wakenings from Ella and Ben's early morning starts.

On Saturday, we went with Penny and Deb to a childrens playground opening at Fox Studios. Grandma looked after Ella and we had lunch with her and Pa when we fetched Ella.

Immy and Lisa came to visit on Sunday morning. Immy was a very good sharer! Ben not so good. As I type this Ben is stealing Ella's baby toys from her. Lisa lent us some Thomas and Bob DVDs. The boys were happy and they spent a couple of hours in the afternoon watching them. Hala came for dinner to see the boys on Sunday night. Hala and Sarah watched a science show about Epigenetics. Now we have to find out about the health of our grandmothers in their 3rd trimester and our grandfathers as they reached puberty. This affects whether certain genes are triggered or not.

Hopefully the excitement level will pick up during the week.

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