Sunday, June 18, 2006

6 months today

The style of todays blog borrows shamelessly from a famous blogger (Heather at who every month writes a missive to her daughter about her development and progress. This will be Ella's first.

Ella you turn 6 months today and you are the happiest smiley baby we have ever seen. My mothers group calls you princess and a lot of them want you for their own. Of course you're not perfect and you have caused us some grief. When you were little you often woke in the middle of the night and had lots of unexplained crying (aka colic aka they have no idea what it is). And you're still having trouble with sleeping as long as we'd like; i.e. till past 5:00am. You look a lot like Simon did now with your chubby 'formula cheeks' and like Simon at this age you love people. You are a bit of a nosey parker and are always turning your head to see what is happening. This is quite irritating when we are trying to feed you. You are very talkative and take any opportunity to join in the conversation. You also initiate conversations yourself by blowing raspberries. You must learn that 4:10 in the morning is 'quiet time' though. Although you are not turning over yet you love jumping in the jolly jumper and love banging your feet on the floor when you are lying down. When we go out clucky women fight with each other over who gets to hold you and you happily oblige showering them with smile after smile. You bring joy wherever you go.

Since parents have to always try and be fair and not have favourites I have also written a few words to the two boys.

Simon, you are now four years old and scarily grown up. The words that come out of your mouth sometimes amaze us. You are a very happy boy but can sometimes be very serious too. You find lots of TV shows scary like Toy Story, Robots and Curse of the Were Rabbits except you weren't phased when the tiger devoured the deer on the animal documentary. You don't stop talking and sometimes your 'inside voice' can get a bit too much. You are very imaginative and now you have started doing your own puppet shows we won't be able to stop you. You love having company and going to visit people's places although sometimes you just want to play with their toys rather than the other children. According to your preschool teacher you have a good sense of humour but like your mother you sometimes laugh at your own jokes and have yet to learn that there is only allowed to be one 'funny one' in the family and your father has reserved that place. Readers of the blog can judge if he deserves it. You are very polite and gentle and other people have no hesitation in looking after you as you are no trouble. You love having sleepovers at your granny's and its not just because she lets you watch Nick Jr. Simon you are a pleasure to have around.

Ben, you are now your own little person and what a personality you have. You have a wicked look in your eyes which we think may have come from your grandfather Joss. You take every opportunity to tease your older brother but I'm sure its just because you want his attention. Simon is your favourite person and you are finally getting old enough so you can play with him for a few minutes before you start annoying him. You love reading books and can often be found pulling all the books out of the bookshelf and quietly leafing through the Thomas anthology which is one of your favourites. Unlike Simon you are very active and love running around. You are particularly fast at running out of the library and down the road. You have just learnt to ride a tricycle but insist on riding the one that is just slightly too big for you. You are another early riser like your Pa Boyd and love letting us know that you are awake. You don't quite understand that when its dark we are meant to sleep and when you are brought to snuggle in Mummy's bed that pulling hair and kicking do not count as snuggling. At the moment you are very naughty and testing us all the time. You have had quite a few 'time-outs' in your bedroom but unlike Simon at this age never seem very phased after your punishment and just quickly move on. You have inherited your mother's bad temper but also her sunny disposition. You have inherited your father's messiness and also his kindness. You are very caring and always looking out for others often sharing things with your brother contrary to the role model he provides you. We are very proud to be your parents.

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