Thursday, June 01, 2006

I have a rare spare moment in the middle of the day. All 3 children are asleep. So a quick blog entry.

This morning I went to mother's group at my friend Kate's. I got some feedback on my blog which was that pictures are good. So even though I haven't taken any pictures today I'll post some old ones.

Ella has really been enjoying the jolly jumper. Apparently, Rosemary, the local early childhood nurse doesn't approve.

Ben fancies himself as a bit of a rapper. He especially loves rapping to "move it, move it" from Madagascar (one of the shows he did watch on TV last week).

Some of the other mothers in my mother's group are trying my experiment of limiting TV. We are all finding it quite successful. Much to our surprise the kids mostly seem to find something else to do and don't really fight anymore than usual.

Pa (my Dad) came for dinner last week by himself as his wife abandoned him to go away with 'the girls' to Bathurst. He enjoyed getting a hold of Ella as everyone does.

The name of this blog is inspired by the coincidence of my grandfather's owning a tailoring business called Harris and Boyd. this is a coincidence because Michael's surname is Harris.Unfortunately grandfather Boyd had to buy out Mr Harris as he went bankrupt!

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