Sunday, June 04, 2006

Weekend Report Part 1

Hi and welcome to the weekend report – This week it is a two parter since I am having a four day weekend. I am taking Monday off to enjoy the day with Sarah while Lizzie looks after Ben and Ella. You will have to wait for the second part of the report to find out what happens on Monday.

The weather has turned cold over the last week. Yes temperatures are hanging below 20 degrees C. We have had the fire going and the wood stockpile will need to be replenished.

On Friday with the threat of rain hanging over us we decided to to have a swim at Lane Cove Pool. Everyone had a good time and then in the afternoon we headed across the road to visit Louise, Charlotte and Isabella. Due to age differences, the boys don’t always play with their neighbours but they did have a fantastic time playing with the girls’ toys. Ben had a great time pushing the prams around. Simon of course had to fully load a pram with all the treasures he had found and secured. There was an unfortunate incident when Ben was caught playing in the doll’s house out of sight of his father.

Oops I missed out the news that all grandmothers want to hear – the rice cereal has been purchased. No we haven’t given any to Ella yet. We are just showing her the box for now so that she becomes familiar with the idea of the food. I think she should be ready by next week.

On Saturday I went to the gym and got a haircut. Sarah took the kids to visit Hala, her mother and grandmother. They were all delightful. I can’t really say more since I wasn’t there. In the afternoon our friends Christian and Megan from Wollongong and their little boy Sebastian came for afternoon tea. Boy, when you read this it would appear that we do have a social life.

Now it is Sunday afternoon and I am just going to chop some wood. We walked down to the Artarmon Reserve this morning. Well actually Simon rode his new bike – purchased at the fair last week. He isn’t bad on the new bike although he is not the keen on going down steep hills.

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