Monday, June 05, 2006

Weekend Report Part 2

Welcome back and sorry for keeping you all in suspense. Firstly just an administrative matter: For those who are constantly checking the internet for the latest update to this blog we don’t normally update until after the kids go to bed around 8PM Australian Eastern Standard Time.

Today was my day off. Don’t worry I won’t bore you with the details of my day. I will stick to news about the children. It was raining most of the day and Busy Lizzie (aka “The craft nanny”) took Ben and Smiling Ella off to Softplay. Simon went to preschool where they had to spend the whole day inside. The teachers brought out a new train set that had been donated and this was a big hit. There was some controversy – it was a Thomas the tank engine set. This sort of TV character based toy is frowned upon at Steiner schools.

This afternoon we went for our first parent teacher meeting ever to discuss Simon’s preschool performance. Some may say this big news should have a posting of its own. All we had was good news. Simon has settled in well. He gets on well with the other children. For those that know the true Simon we also had some surprising news – Simon has a good sense of humour and often laughs off most of life’s hiccups. He obviously has some special toys but he is quite happy to share.

Well that’s all for this extended weekend report. The next update will (hopefully) be provided by the mother. Also stay tuned for more photos.


Anonymous said...

Not surprised at Simon's sense of humour he has shown it a few times playing with Hala when Mum and Dad were not around :-)

Anonymous said...

The thing that upsets me the most about this blog is the number of days off Harry seems to do I get a job like his? Steven Worrall